NBC - CMYK LogoNorthcote Baptist Community Preschool is part of Northcote Baptist Church and you can find out more about their programmes by following these links to their English or Chinese websites:

Northcote Baptist Church

http://nbc.org.nz (English website)
http://chinese.nbc.org.nz (Chinese website)

There are great programmes for children of all ages, as well as youth group, neighbourhood craft group, BLOKES men’s group and much more.

Of particular interest to families might be More than Music at 10am on Wednesdays and Kids Club on Fridays 6-8pm. See the website for more details.

Storypark – Online Learning Portfolio

We use Storypark to help involve you in your child’s learning. With Storypark you can:

  • share and communicate privately with your child’s teachers and centre staff
  • view and share photos, videos and observations of your child’s learning
  • begin a record of your child’s life that you can access anytime.

More information is available at www.storypark.com