
We believe in nurturing and inspiring young learners within a future focused environment of Christian spiritual character and values.


NBC Preschool’s primary function is to provide a quality early childhood care and education programme built on Christian character and values to the Northcote community.


  • Excellence  – in teaching and learning
  • Collaboration – between teachers, students, parents, board and community
  • Diversity- in culture, personality, learning styles
  • Learning together (Ako) – students, teachers, families and community learning and growing together
  • Christian growth – in godly character, Biblical knowledge and values

Children, their families, and the teachers, will experience an environment where they are welcomed, supported, nurtured and inspired to learn at all times.

We are committed to developing an environment that provides future focused learning and teaching for all children regardless of gender, ethnicity, or ability.

Each child, family and teacher is special, and each brings diverse and unique strengths. We believe that knowledge is built when:

  • both learners and teachers work together in ‘knowledge building’
  • there is a personalised curriculum that uses knowledge to develop learning capacity,   and all barriers are removed
  • there is a continuous rethinking of learners’ and teachers’ roles
  • learners and teachers have respectful and reciprocal relationships with the community.

We are committed to:

  • ensuring all teachers are well trained and have access to good professional development
  • ensuring parents/whanau are encouraged and given opportunities to contribute to their child’s learning and in the life of the centre
  • teaching biblical character and values
  • providing high quality, affordable early childhood education for all.

NBCP is built on a the strong belief that when education and care is offered within a God centred environment, children and their whanau will be inspired and nurtured.